10-year-Old Delhi Girl Making Waves On Social Media


New Delhi, September 2021: Dilli Ki Kudi Navya Baijal can make you dance, bring out that smile on your face and take you by surprise with her talent.

She is your true Delhi girl at heart!

Although there are so many kids who have an ability to showcase their talent on various platforms, but   Dilli ki Kudi Navya Baijal has shown her outstanding and creative talent, which has taken Instagram by storm. She is perky, vivacious and a true fashionista even at a modest age of just 10 years.

At a time when social media is buzzing with fresh talent and kids trying to grab attention with their regular gigs on the platforms, there are some names who leave a mark with their creativity and well-preserved innocence.

Navya Baijal, a stunner from the national capital, is all of 10 but is already a popular name and face on the social media.

Some of her reels and posts have garnered more than thousands of views 



 Yes, you read that right!

Navya offers a sneak peek into her life through Instagram posts. A multi-talented child, who already has the aura and style of making it big in the world of glamour. She is an actor, model, dancer and a social media celeb today!

Her increasing popularity and stardom are evident with the number of likes, shares and comments that she is receiving from all corners for her sense of style and acting prowess at such a young age.

“My mom is my biggest support as she is the one who keeps revolving around me with a camera phone in hand to capture the best in me”, candid Navya says. “She always finds time for me and help me nurture my skills”.  

The trend of social media celebrities and influencers has just picked up pace in India. Talented children like Navya Baijal are here to make a mark for themselves and have a bright chance of grabbing their first big break in the times to come.