Great marketing needs great copy, and great copy is (usually) a product of a great deal of time. But as a marketer, your time is precious; you’re probably already juggling multiple tasks in your day-to-day, and it’s not always realistic to spend 3–4 hours daily just to improve the precision of your writing. Thankfully, AI-powered marketing tools can help you solve this: improve your copy, free up your time, and even help you choose the best creatives without testing them.
Here are 5 AI-driven platforms that can help you solve common problems, improve creativity, and save hours upon hours of time. Each one is geared towards solving a particular problem marketers often struggle with, so you can use all of these tools together, or individually. Let’s dive in.
1. Rewrite Sentences with Overchat
As a marketer, you’re probably always testing headings, ad descriptions, and email subjects, or optimizing article hooks — sometimes hundreds of times each week — to increase CPR, engagement rate, or whatever target metric you’re working to optimize. It’s an arduous process sometimes, and it’s easy to waste hours upon hours just on generating heading ideas. AI can rewrite sentences for you.
AI won’t necessarily do all of the work from start to finish, but it can help get your imagination moving by suggesting ideas you can use as a starting point. We’ve tested for this, an AI tool that has a specialized chatbot that rewrites sentences (though you can also chat with GTP 4.5 on Overchat, which has, probably, the most natural output out of any AI models right now), and it was very easy to use. You simply paste your sentence into the chatbot, click “send” and receive a rewritten phrase, with typos and grammar issues fixed. A nice bonus: you don’t need to give the model context, as it’s already pre-trained. This means that you simply send the copy in, without telling the chatbot what to do, and it already knows that you’re asking for a clean rewrite. Easy, effortless, and very useful.
2. Write Better with Wordtune
Sometimes the copy just comes out kind of bland, it doesn’t have that zing that immediately captivates the reader. All writers deal with writing blocks, and, in the past, the recipe to fixing it was to step away until inspiration strikes. But what if you’re up against a deadline? Wordtune promises to solve this problem by giving you better, clearer rewrites. It analyzes your content contextually to fix style and readability issues.
Wordtune differentiates itself from competitors by promising contextual rewrites. It suggests rewrites that fit different tones, in theory at least. If you’re going for formality, but your output sounds overly casual it will try to understand that and align the output with the intended result. It’s a neat feature, one that can help you quickly adapt your content to a particular voice. A very powerful timesaver, but don’t trust it blindly: sometimes what it writes widely mismatches the intention, though these glitches are rare.
3. Optimize Ads with Omneky
Testing multiple ad creatives is expensive, and sometimes feels like throwing things at the wall until something sticks. But it’s also necessary every time you try a new approach, lest you’re fine wasting your advertising budget. Omneky approaches this differently. The idea is that with AI, it is possible to predict user behavior based on past data.
Feed your past campaigns to Omneky, and it will inject the data, generate new ad variants, and predict which ones will perform best — before you spend any money. It goes as far as to suggest combinations of images and copy that it thinks will work well for your intended audience. Does it eliminate the need to test creatives? Not really, but we see it as a useful in-between step you can add to your pipeline to reduce the amount of variations you need to test.
4. Personalize Content with Anyword
Research shows that personalized content has a much higher engagement rate, so if you can deliver personalized messaging for each of your customer segments, it’s a big win. However, writing unique copy variations can quickly get out of hand. Especially when you consider all your touchpoints: emails, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, websites, ads — what else are you using? Anyword is an AI-powered tool that promises to personalize content automatically: precise messages for each audience segment, every single time.
Anyword does a respectable job of writing different versions of your content, but it also analyzes which words and phrases resonate best with specific audiences, predicting performance before the content goes live. Instead of spending days segmenting and rewriting, marketers can deliver impactful personalization at the push of a button, significantly increasing engagement and conversions.
5. Eradicate Pesky Writing Mistakes with Grammarly
Grammatical errors tend to find their way into all copies, even when you proofread it eleven times over. Everybody, probably, knows Grammarly — an ML (Machine Learning) and now AI-powered service that proofreads your copy in any editor and improves readability and awkward phrasing.
Recently, Grammarly has introduced an AI-driven writing assistant that does more than correct grammar and spelling — it can now evaluate tone and style, and help you align it with your brand voice. This is similar to Jasper, which is a lot more expensive, yet Grammarly seems to work just as well. Which is to say, it mostly does a good job, but won’t replace a human editor just yet. We’d say, the basic grammar corrections are best in class, but AI-assisted features aren’t any better than competitors. Give it a try and see if it fits into your workflow.
In 2025 AI tools will only continue to rise in popularity. Already, more and more employers are looking to hire people who can augment their work with AI. AI is a huge timesaver, and it simply means that you’ll get more done with it, than without it. Whether you use the tools listed above or have your own selection, AI can streamline your creative processes, make you a better, sharper writer, and save you the most precious resource at your disposal — your time.
**’The opinions expressed in the article are solely the author’s and don’t reflect the opinions or beliefs of the portal’**