5 Strategies to Increase Your Fitness Social Media Engagement

Fitness Social Media Engagement
5 Strategies to Increase Your Fitness Social Media Engagement

Social media engagement is a measure of how many comments, shares, and likes that your content is generating on social media. As much as you would want a huge following on social media, you should also focus on increasing your engagement.

Increasing your social media engagement comes with numerous benefits such as stronger customer relationships and enhanced loyalty. Also, better social media engagement will increase your reach. And, this translates to more sales for your fitness business.

And the good news is, your social media engagement can always get better, with the right approach. In this guide, we will share some tips and tricks that can help to increase your social media engagement. With that said, let’s dive straight in.

Engage Your Audience

One of the easiest ways of increasing social media engagement is by simply engaging more with your audience. Unfortunately, some fitness businesses tend to overlook it. Most of them will put up a post and that’s it.

But, conversation is a two-way street. If you simply put up a post and don’t bother to comment back to your followers, there’s a high chance they will also get tired of interacting with your posts. And eventually, your engagement rates will drop considerably.

So, whenever you post something on social media, you should ensure you keep monitoring the post for comments. And, you should take the time to reply thoughtfully and promptly. Even if it’s a negative comment, you shouldn’t ignore it.

Having conversations with your audience will encourage them to keep interacting with your posts. Also, they may start sharing your posts with their followers. So, engaging your audience will not only boost your engagement rates but you will also boost your brand’s reach.

Post Visual Content

Your social media followers are constantly getting flooded with content from other sources like their friends and family, work colleagues and other businesses. So, if your content doesn’t stand out and grab their attention, there’s a high chance they will move on to the next one, without engaging.

So, you need to find ways of grabbing your audience’s attention. One of the easiest ways of doing so is by incorporating visuals. Visual content like photos, infographics and videos is likely to stand out on your followers’ feeds and capture their attention. And, this will then encourage more engagement.

However, creating attention-grabbing visual content is not easy, especially for someone without a background in graphics design. And, this is where social media template bundles come in. With templates, you will be able to create stunning visual content even without a background in graphics design, within a few minutes.

Post Frequently

As we’ve mentioned earlier, your target audience is constantly being bombarded with content from everywhere. So, if you only post when you feel like it, there’s a high chance that your audience will miss your content. And if they miss your posts, it also means you will get zero engagement.

Also, if you don’t post often, your followers will eventually forget about you. Again, your engagement rates will decline significantly. Furthermore, if you only post occasionally, social media algorithms will disfavor your content, meaning it will only reach a few people.

To prevent these issues, you should be posting regularly and consistently. Ideally, you should be posting on social media at least once per platform per day. You can experiment with different posting frequencies and then use analytics to figure out what delivers the best results.

If you happen to have a tight schedule, you should consider using social media scheduling tools such as Buffer, Later and Hootsuite. With these tools, you will be able to schedule several social media posts for all your platforms in advance.

Post at the Right Time

Posting attention-grabbing content regularly and consistently can help to increase your social media engagement. However, you should make sure you are posting your content at the right time.

Ideally, you should post your content when your target audience is likely going to be online. Overall, the best time to post on social media for maximum engagement is early morning hours and in the evenings on weekdays. This refers to around 9 am to 11 am and 5 pm to 9 pm.

Grow Your Following

Social media engagement is, without a doubt, a numbers game. Simply put, the more active followers you have, the higher the engagement rate. So, if you want to increase your engagement, you will also need to grow your following.

Some of the strategies that you can use to grow your following include posting engaging content, posting consistently, interacting with your audience, using hashtags, collaborating with influencers, and promoting your social media channels elsewhere.

However, as much as you would like to grow your following, you need to ensure you are focusing on quality followers, who are interested in your products or services. Such followers will also interact with your social media content, thus increasing your engagement.

In Conclusion

Increasing your social media engagement can lead to considerable growth for your fitness business. And as you can see, it isn’t as difficult as it may appear. You simply need to post high-quality content consistently, post at the right time and interact with your audience as much as possible. By using this approach, you will be on your way to better engagement.