Does the current online trend on calls for ‘Boycott China’ affect consumer product sales?


The recent trends on Social media are the call for the boycott of Chinese products amid the Sino-India border tension. But according to industry executives, these can hugely affect the sales of smartphones and consumer durables products from the stables of companies like Xiaomi, Real me, and Haier.

Even though companies are not willing to respond to this sudden change in the attitude of people, senior executives at many of these Chinese firms said that there have been no impacts on the sales yet. But one of the senior executives of a smartphone company responded to this growing trend in social media that there is a pent-up demand for phones because people are working and studying from home after the outbreak of Covid-19 and the extended lockdown period.

Many firms have had to resort to expensive imports to meet the spurt in demand. The main trending quotes on this in Social Media are ‘Boycott China’, ‘Go China’, and ‘Go Chinese Go’. Another executive said that Chinese firms are keeping a close watch on the development and monitoring of the situation on the ground as well as on Social media. Sentiments are shaped in the minds of many people and through various social media platforms and other channels over the recent development that can eventually result in the purchase behavior of consumers said Industry Body Consumer Electronics and Appliances Manufacturers Association (CEAMA).

The president of CEAMA, Kamal Nandi responded that consumers getting messages on the various social media platforms are making decisions and these emotions can finally result in the purchase behavior which is quite expected.  They are observing that over a while. The chairman of India’s cellular and Electronics Association (ICEA) said that it is not a secret that a substantive part of India’s supply chain has its roots in China. And they have always focused on enhancing production in India and promoting Indian Champions. He also added to the point that by 2025, India will have strong companies in mobile phones and component segments. He also remains confident that India and China will find a lasting resolution out of the current border impasse.