“No Hand Unwashed” campaign launched by Savlon


The hygiene brand Savlon has introduced a campaign collaborating with Ogilvy India which is named as “No hand unwashed” featuring a foot artist Swapna Augustine from the MFPA (Mouth and foot painters association) and the campaign film shows the motivating story of Swapna, about her daily routine and her life as a foot artist and combines the story with the brand by promoting the awareness of washing hands using hand wash.

The campaign film begins with Swapna remembering her childhood that she loved painting and that people around her would praise both about her talent and her paintings and the only difference from other people is that she is a foot artist and she says that she performs her daily routine just like other people.

The film shows the various daily routine done by Swapna including waking up late, making tea, talking with friends, browsing online, getting ready, and having her favorite delicacy.

The next scene shows Swapna using a hand wash to wash her feet and says that there is something which most of the people don’t do or forget to do but it has great importance in the current situation and she claims that she always does it without fail and that is to wash hands using either a soap or a hand wash and she suggests the people wash their hands using hand wash for twenty seconds, which helps to stay protected from germs and disease and even fights dangerous virus-like corona.

The last scene of the campaign film shows Swapna having her favorite delicacy after washing her hands and claims that as a foot artist it is easy for her to wash her hands regularly using hand wash and that it would be easier for other people.

The company announces that there will be another part of the campaign which would feature the artwork of artists from MFPA(Mouth and foot painters association) to create the awareness of washing hands, through which the focus is to show the benefits and ease of hand washing.

Chief creative officers of Ogilvy India, Kainaz Karmakar, and Harshad Rajadhyaksha stated that “Savlon swasth India mission” is the path through which Savlon has been promoting the important message to the society, about the importance of hand hygiene. Savlon promotes the concept of Global Handwashing Day stating that especially during this pandemic situation it’s important that everyone should make it a habit of washing their hands.