LinkedIn adds ‘Boost’ option for Organic posts


LinkedIn has recently announced the launch of its new option ‘Boost’ in their application so that all kinds of brands can change their organic page updates to a paid ad.

According to LinkedIn, they are launching this option to help various brands to maximize the number of virtual events and to track the performance of each brand very easily through the app. With the performance tracking system, now the brands can accordingly maximize their reach for each of their posts.

 LinkedIn through one of their blogposts elucidated that “With the new tool named ‘Boost’ anyone can easily uplift any of your high performing post from your LinkedIn account page, with a button click and payment details you can now boost any of your time-sensitive content to reach out to a large number of audiences. It is simple as it sounds to reach a wider audience without much effort and advanced tools”.

From now on the LinkedIn page shows the Boost button which can be used simply and quickly to reach your audience out there as long as you are willing to pay the required amount for the technology, tool that you use.

The company had also briefed about some of the most important objectives that a user should keep in mind while using Boosting, such as brand awareness, the number of views for the video, engagement, and the number of visits received by the website. LinkedIn also provides the users with the opportunity to select their audience based on three main categories as based on profile, interest-based and LinkedIn audience template.

LinkedIn is also introducing a new option named Event ads, this would help many marketers bring awareness through their virtual events. According to them, the users can see the Event ads option on the right side of their feed on the LinkedIn page. It helps us to mark the important details of the event as a highlight. It can include the date, time, how to join the event and other details regarding the event. This option also allows the participants to have a mutual connection between them as they can provide information if they are interested to take part in the event or not.

Apart from these additions LinkedIn company look forward to building an option, that is ‘Mobile Page Analytics’ which helps them to find the number of visitors, followers and content engagement easily from the handy device that we presently use.

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