Women of My Billon (WOMB) to premiere at London Indian Film Festival 2021


WOMB – Women of my Billion, a strong story that highlights the dreams, plight, rights, and fight of the women of today’s India against all the forms of violence, will world premiere at the opening night UK-Gala of the London Indian Film Fest 2021. The fest lineup is a “love letter to India”, given the ongoing hardships of the Covid 19 pandemic.

Very much shocked and disturbed by the highway 91 rape case, that was announced in 2016 in India, Srishti Bakshi has decided to not be a silent spectator to rising crime against women in her country. The documentary captures her 3,800 km by foot journey from Kanyakumari to Srinagar over 230 days & her heroic effort to create awareness on women empowerment and safety through digital and financial literacy.

The film shows up survivor stories of the activist Pragya Prasun Singh,  Neha Rai and Lt. Col. Sangeeta Tiwari & stands a crucial testament to the global crisis which has only aggravated in these times of the pandemic.

WOMB is heartwarming and poignant, watch the exploring political and social problems faced by women of today’s India. The documentary feature brings out the monumental journey through Srishti’s lens, her interaction with over 85000 women over more than 100 workshops she conducted in villages, schools, and institutions on her walk from Kanyakumari to Kashmir.

Powerful and Emotional, the documentary is a unique testament to seemingly insurmountable challenges in these unprecedented periods and the everyday heroes who are battling to overcome.

Srishti Bakshi told,  “In this documentary, we have celebrated ordinary women who have shown extraordinary courage to rise above their weaknesses and challenge deeply entrenched gender norms. We did this to unite the majority because what we observed was that ‘gender-based violence is a crime perpetrated by the minority but perpetuated by the silence of the majority,” says a very passionate.

Ajitesh Sharma the Director, said that “Violence to women and girls is a human rights violation. And from the outbreak of COVID-19 & the world locked down to live within four walls, emerging reports, and data from those on the front lines, have shown that all the types of violence against women and girls, particularly domestic violence, has only intensified.

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