Prasar Bharati goes 100% paperless


Prasar Bharati is India’s major public broadcasting agency, headquartered in New Delhi. It is a statutory autonomous body set up by an Act of Parliament and encompasses the Doordarshan Television Network and All India Radio, which were previous media units of the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting. The Parliament of India passed the Prasar Bharati Act to endowment this autonomy in 1990, but it was not enacted until 15 September 1997.

The position of Prasar Bharti board Chairperson remains vacant since Dr. A. Surya Prakash demitted office in February 2020[3]. He had succeeded Dr. Mrinal Pande[4]. Shashi Shekhar Vempati is the CEO of Prasar Bharati who succeeded Jawhar Sircar, who was the CEO until November 2016. The use of technology has changed the operations at Prasar Bharati around. It’s no more business as customary, as in less than 2 years, 577 Centers and 22,348 employees of DD, AIR has embraced e-Office operations.

Well established IT-enabled working structure through e-Office at Prasar Bharati came in suitable during the pandemic when employees across the country had to work within several confines during the lockdown and after. With the vision to make Prasar Bharati operations more effective and paperless, e-Office was introduced in August 2019. Of 577 Prasar Bharati centres across India, 10 per cent adopted e-Office in 2019, 74 per cent in 2020, and the remaining 16 per cent have joined by June 18, 2021.

In what has brought speed and transparency in the working of the organization, more than 50 thousand e-Files have been fashioned so far, with the status of every file available online. Internally, respective departments can track their files, whether it is moving or parked or closed. The complete process of clearing one physical file used to take almost 1 week on an average. Through e-Office, this has been substantially reduced to 24 hours on an average, sometimes even a couple of hours.

As a result, the total number of cleared files over almost past two years and the average number of files completed every month during the same period have increased significantly. This initiative has also made Prasar Bharati operations paperless, saving the organization’s disbursement on paper by 45%between August 2019 and June 2021. Apart from plummeting Carbon footprint, paperless work also enhanced the COVID safety during the pandemic through remote working, work from home, etc, thus reducing the chances of infections.

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