

When they say don’t dream at your age, say Wally Funk. Because who better than an 82-year-old woman to shatter stereotypes and show the world that age has nothing to do with dreams. Her dream of going to space is finally coming true inspiring many seniors to dream new dreams and never give up on the old ones.

Wally Funk, the 82-year-old female aviator on Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin flight who’s finally going to space six decades after training for it. The 82-year-old Aerospace pioneer and Goodwill Ambassador, is an perfect example of age is just a number. She is set to break the record of being the oldest person in space. She is an inspiration for young and old.

On this occasion, Columbia Pacific Communities pays tribute to Wally and her tremendous spirit through the 11 minutes that she journeys to the space. Through the live tribute, the brand celebrates this great story of positive ageing today on their Instagram page. There is also a tribute piece to Wally from the residents of Columbia Pacific Communities who are inspired by this great example of positive ageing.

Link – https://youtu.be/xPfsXAB6Ux8