The upcoming Of the revenue generated earnings from audio streaming


On the last day of Audionext the previous week, from July 26th to 30th, a panel discussion was held on the topic “Business model: Will advertising continue to be the most important sales driver in the future?” The team comprises Amin Lakhani, administrator, Mindshare South Asia; Arjun Ravi Kolady, marketing manager at Spotify India; and Siddhartha Roy, administrator, Hungama online channel. The meeting was hosted by Sreekant.

The team covered content such as the drivers of the audio boom, the future of radio, and the publishing of webcasts and language topics. Khandekar opened the discussion on the last day (30th July )with the topic – Methods of generating revenue from streaming audio. It was started in 2020. Data about the various media available and how much of their revenue comes from the subscription/paid advertising model to print. 64% percent of revenue comes from advertising and 36 percent from subscriptions. On television, 63% of revenue comes from pay and 37% from advertising. However, 63 percent of that is cash paid to cable operators, little percentage goes to broadcasters.

Finally, radio is completely based on advertising and sponsorship. Events off the radio are also funded by advertisers or sponsors. About two percent of online publishing comes from subscriptions, and that is now almost negligible. When you watch an OTT video, the ads are 60 percent and the pay is 36 percent. Dandekar recalls the first video conference of its kind to talk about video. At that time people asked why we had it because there was nothing to say.

A panel discussed the subscription model in video ads, which no one saw at the time because it was not very big in India. Lakhani of Mindshare started by believing that both paid and subscription models should coexist in India as in other parts of the world. “See Netflix and youtube, both models can coexist. Subscriptions have appeared in India in the last 3-4 years. Whether video or audio, more and more people are open to the idea of ​​subscribing and paying for the content they want to consume. Lakhani added that the country’s telecommunications sector has so far persisted with subscriptions.

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