Denodo Version 8.0 boost Data Virtualization with AI and ML


Denodo, a leading leader in data virtualization provides data access, data governance, and data delivery capabilities across a wide range of enterprise, cloud, big data, and unstructured data sources without moving the data from their original repositories.

Recently, Denodo announced its new Denodo Platform version 8.0 accelerates hybrid and multi-cloud integration, automates data management with artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), boosts performance with smart query acceleration, by combining with the existing Denodo Platform, Denodo Platform 8.0 advances data virtualization into a logical data fabric.

Denodo Platform 8.0  is very much essential  for taking Decision Support Initiative,said Dan Young, chief data architect and manager at Indiana University, Bloomington. Denoda’s mission is to provide timely, relevant, and accurate data for better decision making to our executives and faculty. The Denodo Platform  is a key technology in companys logical data fabric architecture, integrating student and enrollment, personnel, and financial data, that enlights their  Academics Metrics (AM) 360 dashboard, where decision makers at Indiana University can successfully measure, compare, and analyze trends regarding the health of their responsibility centers.

Denodo Platform 8.0 include:

Hybrid cloud and multi-cloud integration:  Denodo Platform 8.0 empowers organizations to speed up data integration across different locations with low operational costs and adopting platform-as-a-service (PaaS) style infrastructure automation and autoscaling support.

 Automate Machine learning and data science: An ML-based platform helps data scientists to discover and prepare data for constructing complex data models and aims in supporting advanced analytics, with the integrated Apache Zeppelin Notebook.

Enhance API and microservices:  New version support the execution of GraphQL on top of logical data models promotes a no-code approach to the use of REST APIs and adopt microservices architectures.

Hyper performance: Denodo Platform 8.0 maximizes query allocation and boosts performance responses with AI-powered recommendations,.

Joined Web-based UI with Single Sign-On: Newly introduced interface combines s all design and runtime tools with single-step support facilitating rapid design, development, deployment, and management processes.

Widen Cloud Connectivity: The Denodo Platform 8.0 expands cloud with Databricks Delta, Azure Synapse, Google BigQuery and cloud data stores such as AWS S3, Azure Data Lake Storage, and Google Cloud Storage.

Therefore, Denodo Platform 8.0 look forward to bring continuous innovation to support  customers’ enterprise data management journey leveraging the Denodo Platform as the enterprise logical data platform  for advanced analytics, cloud modernization, data science, and data service