Good Morning India launches The Business Guardian newspaper


Good Morning India today officially launched the primary edition of its latest publication, The Business Guardian.

The newspaper will cover news and views associated with the domestic and global business sphere.

The business daily is going to be available at newsstands across the country, whereas, the e-newspaper version is going to be available at www. business guardian. in. The digital portal also will allow readers to directly read the news stories of their choice.

The Business Guardian will feature business op-eds from India’s top columnists under the ‘Mind Matters’ section. The ‘Policy and Politics’ segment of the publication will carry opinion pieces about the country’s political scenario from prominent authors and editors. Readers will get to catch informed on the most recent legal news under ‘Legally Speaking’.

The section also will wake up readers to the most effective analytical articles on the highest developments in the Indian system from the best legal minds.

Speaking on the launch Kartikeya Sharma, Founder, iTV Network, said, “With powerful and impactful content and a robust editorial team, The Business Guardian newspaper will pioneer a replacement revolution of monetary empowerment and progress for its readers. The newspaper will provide discerning readers the credible, unbiased, and in-depth analysis of news.”

The network aims to create The Business Guardian one of all India’s star business publications.

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