ASCI updates the code for more inclusivity in advertising


The Advertising Standards Council of India (ASCI) has updated its code of conduct to add greater inclusivity in advertising depictions. The ASCI code already has a code that required ads not to disparage anyone based on caste, creed, gender, race, or nationality.

Now, the ASCI code is revised and new areas of discrimination or derision have now been included to address some of the emerging issues that include body shape, age, gender identity, sexual orientation, and physical and mental conditions. Advertisements that mock anyone on these aspects will now be considered in violation of the ASCI Code.

This clause is now revised as part of Chapter 3 pertaining to advertisements that cause harm. As per the amendment, the clause reads as follows:

No advertisement shall be permitted which: Derides any individual or groups on the basis of race, caste, colour, religion, gender, body shape, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, physical or mental conditions, or nationality.

Manisha Kapoor, CEO & Secretary General, ASCI, said that they have seen consumers call out ads that mock or denigrate people, or portray them in unfavourable ways. And it is only correct that advertising becomes more inclusive and sensitive to this. For example, it is not acceptable to associate characteristics such as sluggishness with a certain body shape.

Manisha Kapoor continued, “In the same way, to deride someone with a physical or mental ailment, or their gender identity would now violate the ASCI code. By bringing this change, ASCI hopes to ensure that advertising becomes more inclusive and sensitised to all sections of our country, and does not perpetuate certain portrayals that have no place in a progressive society.”

Kapoor said that being a “future-facing” organisation, ASCI will make sure that its guidelines keep pace with the ever-evolving society. She added that as the consumers are becoming more concerned about unfavourable depictions of certain sections of society, this change ensures that advertising also keeps pace with these rightful expectations.

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