Simplilearn is in a phase of rapid growth: Kashyap Dalal


Following the tremendous success of the first leg of its Job Guarantee Program, which took place in January 2022, Simplilearn has now launched the second leg. The #JobGuarantee campaign’s initial phase centered on the traditional Indian practice of receiving or offering a “treat” in exchange for a new job or other status enhancement. The second round of the campaign demonstrates how Simplilearn’s #JobGuarantee is the only thing in this world that is guaranteed. Two entertaining commercials featuring a cricket match are being used to promote the current campaign. The commercials take place in the locker room before the game and the dugout during the middle of the game, respectively. The principle behind these commercials is the same: the team captain warns his men that nothing in life is certain, least of all cricket. A player responds in one of the advertisements by saying that Simplilearn’s Job Guarantee programs guarantee that a learner will find employment after completing the Job Guarantee program with Simplilearn. In another instance, the team leader notes that fact. Recent marketing and promotion initiatives by Simplilearn have generated sizable returns, increasing the brand’s confidence in announcing the next stage. Learners gained possibilities with more than 5,000 recruiting partners after the introduction of the #JobGuarantee advertising campaign, which saw 260 percent of the maximum raise realized. In just four months, the campaign helped more than 1,000 students enrol.

What is the campaign’s goal in terms of communication?

The main goal is to increase Simplilearn’s brand recognition and trustworthiness. We are going through a period of tremendous growth, and the marketing property helps us advance further among the Indian audience. Through the IPL campaign, our bigger objective is to continue to increase Simplilearn and the employment guarantee program’s visibility.

What is the plan behind Simplilearn’s emphasis on sports through their new IPL campaigns? Nothing in India can draw the proper TG more than an IPL, particularly for our industry. We chose the IPL as our platform since we wanted to effectively reach a wider audience and establish credibility with them. Additionally, the ad content has been carefully chosen to flawlessly complement the IPL games. Our enrolments have climbed six times since January thanks to IPL, which has helped us with growth and credibility.

What other partnerships or initiatives do you have in the works?

In the upcoming months, we’ll keep up our brand communication for the Job Guarantee program. We intend to implement integrated media strategies that increase our visibility, generate high-quality traffic, and ultimately aid in the development of steady and reliable income growth. To stimulate interest and consideration among our target audience (TG) for the Job Guarantee program, we will take into account everything, from mass media to hyper-targeted, niche channels. Follow and connect with us on Facebook, LinkedIn & Twitter