Godrej Properties ranked #1 amongst global residential developers for its ESG practices by the Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark, (GRESB)

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Bangalore, 20th October, 2022: The Mumbai based real estate developer has received this global leadership ranking for the third consecutive year

Godrej Properties Limited (GPL) (BSE scrip id: GODREJPRP), one of India’s leading real estate developers, announced today that GRESB, an organization that provides Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) benchmarks for real estate organizations across the world, has recognized Godrej Properties as a Real Estate Development Sector Leader for residential real estate.

Each year, GRESB recognizes and celebrates participants from across the world with the expectation that these organizations will help drive ESG improvements across the industry. Godrej Properties has participated in the benchmark assessment since 2013 and achieved its highest score of 97 points this year, retaining its leadership position with the highest GRESB score amongst residential developers (both listed and non-listed). The company’s ESG disclosures are prepared in accordance with GRI requirements and are externally assured to meet the highest standards of transparency and integrity.  

Pirojsha Godrej, Executive Chairperson, Godrej Properties Limited, said, “We have placed significant emphasis on continually strengthening our ESG practices and are thrilled to receive this prestigious global recognition for the third consecutive year. I’m grateful to the teams at Godrej Properties whose good work has led to this recognition from GRESB. We remain fully committed to further improving our ESG practices in the years ahead.”