Prestigious denim brand  

Prestigious Denim brands
Denim brand levi's Mango ONLY Wrangler H&M Pepe jeans

Among all others, the denim market has experienced constant change and expansion. Even with something as challenging as denim, fashion has evolved and trends have produced a new design every season. However, wearing denim has become a more common or informal activity. 

Without a doubt, women and the repetitive pool are the targets of these brands. Here are a few popular national and international denim brands

1. Levi’s 

One of the top denim manufacturers in the nation is Levi’s. Not just in the women’s market, but overall, the brand is well-established. Levi Strauss, a German immigrant to the United States, established the company in 1853. 

The most popular TV ad of Levi’s introduces Deepika Padukone in Levi’s jeans catching everybody’s eyes. That ad was very unique the way Deepika enjoy her comfort zone in that jeans was so presentable and enjoyable. The message of Levi’s was sent to the viewers. 

2. Pepe Jeans  

Currently, the second-largest brand in the Indian market. Pepe Jeans London was established in the Portobello Road area of London in 1973.  

3. Wrangler  

Kontoor Brands Inc., an American business, owns Wrangler. Since its founding in 1904, it has established itself as a household name in the production of denim. 

4. ONLY 

International clothing company ONLY was founded specifically for teen girls. In addition to becoming a household name in Europe, the brand has a sizable customer base in India

5. H&M 

Swedish clothing retailer H&M has its headquarters in Stockholm. Since its founding in 1947, the company has emerged as the top option for many young women in the nation. H&M has a very premium quality of clothing not only in terms of denim but for every occasion wear. 

6. Mango 

Isak and Nahman Andic, brothers, founded the Spanish clothing business Mango in 1984.  

Denim was the most common wear or casual wear for daily use. So, it is the most demanding clothing in the market. We have seen the most prestigious or popular brands of denim. In shark tank, India a start-up came with new variants of denim. I like the new idea of denim they present their designs were different from regular denim. 

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