Layers, the premium bed linen brand by Indo Count urges men to #DoYourPart, in their latest film

Layers, premium bed linen brand
Layers, premium bed linen brand, Indo Count urges

Layers’ latest campaign says Household work is ‘Not just ‘sharing the load; but, ‘doing your part’’

Mumbai, 13th March, 2023: Layers, the bed linen brand from Indocount has launched its latest digital film, #DoYourPart to throw light on how housework has been perceived over years. The film released last week on the occasion of International Women’s Day, showcases a thought-provoking take on how women are seen to be the only ones responsible for household work. And yet, men are placed on a pedestal, even if they share that with the woman.

The campaign was launched with a thematic film, a couple of days before Women’s Day. It was then followed up with 3 testimonial films with men doing their part in the household work, without making a fuss about it. This digital film, followed up with a set of testimonials makes it clear to all, that household work is equal responsibility of the man and woman of the house.

Link to film:

Says Rajiv Merchant, President of Indocount, “From olden times, looking after the house has been considered a woman’s responsibility. This is not news to us. However, today, women have entered boardrooms, and led revolutions, standing shoulder-to-shoulder with their male counterparts. We are proud to be part of a progressive society, and we appreciate the strides that women have taken in their own fields. And yet, handling household chores remains a woman’s domain. So, the question remains. Are we truly as liberal as we like to think? This campaign makes us question our pre-set notions.”

Renu Somani, National Creative Director of Thought Blurb Communications, the agency behind this campaign, says, “Almost all cultures showcase a clear division of labour in terms of breadwinning and caregiving, associated with each gender. But the truth is that while women now share responsibility at the workplace with men, we have not distributed responsibility of the household with her male counterpart. This inequality of perception is what the Layers #DoYourPart campaign brings to light.”

Priyanka Singh, Group Brand Solutions DirectorThought Blurb Communications shares, “Layers as a brand is always looking for a fresh perspective to lend their voice to. They are willing to push the envelope, as they have done with last year’s Women’s Day campaign as well. This year is no different. With the Layers #DoYourPart campaign, we were aiming to create a subtext to a popular conversation, and thereby bring about a change in thinking.”