Humans of Bombay launches its brand-new YouTube show, titled ‘The Humans of Bombay Show’ that explores various intriguing concepts and the powerful real-life stories of ordinary people

HOB Show
Humans of Bombay launches its brand-new YouTube show, titled ‘The Humans of Bombay Show’ that explores various intriguing concepts and the powerful real-life stories of ordinary people

India-wide Release, 6th July 2023: Humans of Bombay (HOB), India’s largest storytelling platform is  proud to announce the launch of its brand-new YouTube talk show ‘The Humans of Bombay Show’. The show will feature unique, inspirational, relatable and real-life experiences of individuals from all  walks of life across the country. The first episode of the show went live at 7 pm on 5th July  (Wednesday). The HOB talk show features Karishma Mehta (Founder of HOB) as the host and will  embark on a heartfelt mission to capture the essence of every individual’s journey by bringing real  people to the forefront. 

There is no narrative more powerful than the human story! And, storytelling has been the raison d’etre  of Humans of Bombay since its inception. Realizing that these magnificent stories deserve a larger  canvas, HOB, through this YouTube show, intends to further expand its vision of telling raw and real life stories of people from all sections of Indian society. The show will also focus on much-talked about  concepts, professions and various categories like metaphysical phenomenon, life in defence forces,  sex education and much more. The talk show promises to hold interviews with everyday people as it  unravels the profound stories of these everyday heroes that stir the soul through genuine, intimate  and freewheeling conversations. 

Talking about the show Karishma Mehta, the Founder of Humans of Bombay, says, “From inspiring  stories of women empowerment to powerful stories of love and loss, The Humans of Bombay Show is  thought-provoking, inspiring, and full of the human spirit. We are bringing real stories of Heros from  across India, stories that will inspire the audience and help us connect on a deeper level.” 

For instance, the show will feature the life story of an unwanted girl child who went on to study and  represent India at Harvard; it will also bring to focus a powerful story of a single mom who had a child  out of wedlock in India and many such intriguing anecdotes of struggles, failures, and complexities in  every episode while retaining the realness. Apart from that, the show will also talk about how these  people still decided to trudge down the road less taken by fighting every challenge and breaking  societal taboos, to emerge stronger. 

‘The Humans of Bombay Show’ not only seeks to break down societal barriers and make conversations  about these issues more accessible and relatable to a wider audience but also enlightens the viewers  by giving them a chance to imbibe valuable lessons from the experiences of these ordinary people.  Moreover, it also motivates the audience to take action and make a positive impact in their  communities while also creating empathy and understanding. However, for the HOB Show, the  journey has just begun. There are still many more stories waiting to be unearthed—those of ordinary  people who have lived extraordinary lives. So, tune in to the HOB YouTube channel, where stories  ignite emotions and touch your very core.