ITC has won 8 First Prizes this year at the National Awards instituted by the Public Relations Society of India (PRSI)

ITC has won 8 First Prizes this year at the National Awards instituted by the Public Relations Society of India (PRSI)
ITC has won 8 First Prizes this year at the National Awards instituted by the Public Relations Society of India (PRSI)

ITC has been recognised for its communication initiatives across several categories including its Internal Newsletter, Public Relations in Action (ITC stories in the media), Corporate Website, Most Impressive Event Management ( ITC eco-village at CII Agro Tech India), Social Media For PR and Branding (ITC on LinkedIn), Best Initiative for G20 ( ITC Exhibition at the G20 Meet in Hyderabad),  ITC’s Sustainability and Integrated Report and ‘Best Private Organisation Implementing CSR’.

These Awards are a testament to the collective efforts of Team ITC to contribute to enhancing the reputation of ITC as an enterprise of national pride.