Pulse Candy Rewards Loyalty With Exclusive Perks: Adds Fans to ‘Close Friends’ List!

Pulse Candy Rewards Loyalty With Exclusive Perks: Adds Fans to 'Close Friends' List!
Pulse Candy Rewards Loyalty With Exclusive Perks: Adds Fans to 'Close Friends' List!


Pass Pass Pulse, in partnership with White Rivers Media, launched the annual Loyalty Day campaign for Pulse Candy enthusiasts on Instagram. The campaign featured engaging contests, offering exclusive access and prizes to loyal fans. The campaign began with teasers about the event’s return and this year’s theme, promising spots on the brand’s Instagram Close Friends list for the most devoted Pulse lovers. 


Contest alerts followed, announcing fun challenges with the chance to win prizes and join the brand’s inner circle. The #ForTheLoveOfPulse contest asked participants to change their profile pictures to the Pulse Candy logo, showcasing their love for the brand. The #PulseDeewanaChallenge encouraged fans to answer quirky questions, sparking creativity and engagement. 


Aleena Gandhi, the Founder and CEO of Social Media Dissect, shared her thoughts on the campaign, stating, “We found Pulse’s latest contest interesting. In a world where many campaigns feel similar, Pulse Candy’s approach is different and new. By talking with their audience and adding top users to their Close Friends list, Pulse Candy shows they’re willing to try new things to connect with their loyal fans. Their campaign has some fresh ideas, exciting rewards, and it’s worth dissecting.”


The #UltimateDeewanaKaun contest challenged participants to share humorous responses about what they’d sacrifice for Pulse Candy. Top users were elevated to the brand’s Close Friends list, gaining exclusive access to upcoming flavour launches and receiving personalised Certificates of Loyalty and many more Pulse goodies. The campaign captured the hearts of audiences on a massive scale, confirming its memorable and entertaining impact. Pass Pass Pulse demonstrates an adeptness at fostering meaningful connections with customers by making them feel genuinely valued in distinctive ways.


Link: https://www.instagram.com/p/C6bZZNNICho/?img_index=1