Budget Reactions on Edible Oil Sector

Budget Reactions on Edible Oil Sector:
Budget Reactions on Edible Oil Sector:

According to Mr. P Chandrashekhara Reddy, Sr. V.P. Sales and Marketing, Gemini Edibles &  Fats India Ltd. “Central government has been mentioning for the past few years regarding  increasing the domestic production of oil seeds to reduce the dependence on imported edible  oils. To this effect there was an increase in MSP of certain oil seeds recently. In this budget,  there is mention that five oils seeds such as ground nut, sesame, mustard, soyabean and  sunflower oil seeds for Atmanirbharta in edible oils and a priority for the government to work  on production, warehousing and marketability.  

Edible oil Industry firmly believes that to increase the production of these oil seeds at a faster  pace, is only possible by increasing the prices of edible oils by increasing the customs duty on  imported edible oils to motivate the farmer to switch from other crops to cultivation of oil  seeds. Also, the support would be required to provide high yielding seeds for a better output of  oil seeds. It will be interesting to note how these concerns are addressed through the initiatives  of transforming agriculture research as mentioned in the budget.  

There is no mention of customs duty on edible oil in today’s budget. However, we need to read  the fine print to make a final comment. 

India requires 24 Mn Tonnes of Edible Oils per annum. The domestic production is around 8  Mn Tonnes therefore India imports almost 16 Mn Tonnes of edible oil primarily comprising of  Palm Oil, Sunflower Oil and Soyabean Oil. This implies that India is importing 60-65 percent of the requirement of edible oils which is huge. This requires very resolute decisions along with  huge investment in research to increase farm yields for edible oil crops to make it viable  alternative crop for the farmers.”