India’s leading online poker platform, adda52, has onboarded three popular TV and Bollywood celebrities: Sudhanshu Pandey, Sunny Singh, and Varun Sharma. This strategic move aims to strengthen the brand’s connection with diverse audience segments by blending entertainment, skill, and celebrity charm.
With poker rapidly gaining popularity in India, adda52 seeks to break barriers and make the game more accessible to both seasoned players and newcomers. Each influencer brings a unique persona that resonates with the brand’s promise of thrill, entertainment and lifestyle.
Sudhanshu Pandey, renowned for his impactful performance in the television series Anupamaa, sheds light on the thrilling, challenging, and exciting aspects of poker while adding a touch of class and discipline to adda52’s brand narrative.
Varun Sharma, the beloved star from films like Fukrey, introduces a layer of humour and relatability to adda52. His content pieces make use of his lighthearted persona to make poker and adda52 approachable and fun for new players.
Sunny Singh, known for his energetic roles in Wild Wild Punjab and Adipurush, brings his youthful exuberance and vibrancy to the platform. Sunny’s presence aims to engage younger audiences who seek excitement and challenges in their gaming experiences.
Commenting on the collaboration, Joydeep Mukherjee, CMO of Deltatech Gaming, said, “As poker continues to evolve in India, we recognize the need to engage with a younger, dynamic audience segment that values both entertainment and thrill. By bringing on board a mix of personalities like Sudhanshu, Sunny, and Varun, we aim to appeal to different attributes of this audience. Sudhanshu embodies strategy and discipline, which appeals to aspiring players. Sunny’s high-energy persona captures the thrill-seekers and adventurers, while Varun’s charm and humour make poker more approachable and less intimidating for beginners. This well-rounded mix ensures that we connect with a broad spectrum of players, making poker more accessible and enjoyable for all.”
This collaboration marks a shift in adda52’s brand approach—from product-driven promotions to crafting stories that resonate with the evolving tastes of digital audiences. By leveraging the unique narratives of Sudhanshu, Sunny, and Varun, adda52 aims to position poker as a dynamic entertainment option that blends skill with fun, creating deeper engagement and lasting connections with players.