Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NA, the world’s largest brewer is back with yet another spot to promote responsible drinking. “Responsible Billboards” is AB InBev’s drunk driving awareness campaign that very clearly puts forth the fundamental message to save lives “Where there’s a driver, there can’t be alcohol.”
Formed in 2008, following the acquisition of American brewer Anheuser-Busch by InBev (merger between Interbrew from Belgium and AmBev from Brazil); AB InBev’s diverse portfolio includes over 400 global beer brands including Budweiser, Corona, Skol, Bud Light, Busch and Stella Artois.
In the “Responsible Billboards” campaign Ambev, the Brazilian brewing company of AB InBev has transformed its distribution fleet, which is one of the largest in the country. While the semi-trailer portion of the trucks containing Corona, Budweiser, Skol and Stella Artois brand products remained the same, the cabins of the distribution trucks where the driver sits were repainted to feature the logos of non-alcoholic beverages, such as Pepsi, Lipton, Guaraná Antarctica and Gatorade.
Directed by Pedro de La Fuente and produced by Corazon Filmes, the one-minute-25-second spot for the “Responsible Billboards” campaign is the brainchild of “Africa”- one of the largest and most awarded creative advertising agency in Brazil and Latin America. Creative Directors: Pedro Bullos and Erico Brago have created the biggest responsible consumption campaign ever for AB InBev.
The campaign is of much impetus from the perspective of a continental country like Brazil where a lot of people die in traffic accidents every day. The campaign opens with the hard and cold truth that “Every year, more than 60 thousand people die in car accidents on our roads.” Furthermore, “40% of these accidents involve alcohol consumption.”
By transforming its distribution fleet, Ambev has started an initiative that would enable these distribution trucks to travel for miles and reach far more distant areas than usual. “Responsible Billboards is in line with Ambev’s long-term commitment to promote responsible consumption,” said, Alexandre Costa, Marketing Director at AMBEV.
To spread the direct awareness message “Where there’s a driver, there can’t be alcohol,” 800 repainted Ambev distribution trucks will ride through the streets of Brazil.