Additional Certification Schemes Doing More Harm Than Good: MTaI


New Delhi, 10 August 2021: The Quality Council of India recently launched a local medical device certification scheme called ICMED plus, re-specifying the requirements for a quality management system for Medical devices in India which were already existing in MDR 2017 and ISO 13485.

Medical Technology Association of India (MTaI), which represents leading research-based medical technology companies with large footprints in manufacturing, R&D and HCW training in India, highlighted the issues regarding such additional local certifications that have come up in the recent past.

Pavan Choudary, Chairman MTaI, said “After numerous industry consultations and the tireless efforts of CDSCO, the government launched the Medical Device Rules in 2017, which aimed to regulate the medical device ecosystem of the country. These rules effectively measure the safety, efficacy and quality of a medical device that enters the Indian market (locally manufactured and imported). Despite having an established regulatory system in place, we are seeing that new quasi- certification schemes such as ICMED Plus are being launched which are not only redundant but confuse the budding entrepreneurs and could burden SMEs, who aim to sell their medical devices globally – to the point of despair.”

Mr. Choudary added “Such schemes have a real potential to cause more harm than good in the following few ways:

·         Redundancy of regulatory process- The industry already takes the required regulatory approvals from CDSCO and is currently facing the issue of multiplicity of regulatory authorities that cover the gamut of medical devices often encroaching on each other’s jurisdiction, as shown in the image below.

·         Impacts Ease of Doing Business- India, despite being a large market, still ranks 63rd in Ease of Doing Business Index. The government admirably has held multiple consultation sessions recently to reduce the compliance burden for the industry. But these additional certifications, which were not required in the first place, will actually place additional hurdles especially for domestic SMEs which constitute the most numerous cohort in the sector.

·         Impacts investment opportunities- the FDI in MedTech sector has gone down to $21 Million in the first quarter of 2021 (from $248 Million in the same quarter in 2020) in a year where we could have seen the FDI going up due to global shift. Such certification schemes increase unpredictability, thereby decreasing the attractiveness further, as the global interests are unsure of whether or not they will have to comply with new certification schemes as they enter the country besides adding more hurdles and cost burdens on the industry, which will eventually result in higher costs & delays for patients.”

“Any new policy should be evaluated on the basis of at least 3 factors: credibility, value and applicability. Redundancy in regulations should be avoided. In the pharma sector, there is only one quality standard i.e. Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) which every pharma player abides by. A sunrise sector like medical devices is best left with only globally recognised regulatory pathways, to help the industry focus more on actual growth rather than concern itself with these superfluous certifications”, added Mr. Sanjay Bhutani, Director MTaI.