AI- a friend or foe of a doctor?


Technologies have been a helping hand since its development. We see high-tech equipment everywhere making tasks easier. In the health sector especially, the use of AI devices has proved exceptionally beneficial in diagnosing patients accurately to figure out what exactly is going through their bodies and cure it. However, doctors might feel threatened about the heightened use of AI algorithms in programming health devices to establish symptoms and cure people. They feel their job is right. Well, it’s not; instead, it’s their aid to rescue.

Recently, a doctor, Harald Kittler, conducted a contest between doctors and algorithm to diagnose certain skin conditions. Turns out the algorithm was able to produce perfect diagnose and solution for the condition than the doctors. He introduced his students to the use and importance of algorithms in a doctor’s life and what a boon it can be. The experiment was a study that caught the attention of worldwide doctors looking into understanding how to collaborate AI and actual human skills into a pure blend of medical perfection. Since 2017, a series of studies have found machine learning models outperform dermatologists in head-to-head contests. That has inspired speculation that skin specialists could be wholly replaced by a generation of AutoDerm 3000s.

Doctors need to think about whether AI can be a friend rather than a competitor because of the diverse assistance it can provide. The health care sector has developed, as mentioned earlier, can choose to combine to provide their people with a better medical experience.

The debate about AI replacing doctors has been going on for years. For the fact that they are algorithms based on machine language and intelligent learning, it can provide human-like experiences. But just employing AI can end up in a wrong path, surveys show that patients don’t entirely believe in algorithm –based machines, though unknowingly they don’t realize most of the diagnose is done by AI machines and the final result is determined by the doctor’s skills and his field of experience. The integration of technology and human experience is the key.

All the people from every sector believe that AI is a friend and not an enemy to be feared of.