AI will change everything in future: Application of AI in 10 industries


AI or Artificial Intelligence is a computer that retains fidelity in its digital operations while imitating the mental capabilities of a human being. It sounds farfetched even now, but we are closer than we’ve ever been before. Already there are countless systems that can imitate what an AI should do through techniques like Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing, but they are still quite clearly not AIs.

We might see a true AI within anywhere from 5 to 50 years, it’s unpredictable. What we can quite clearly see is how AI research will change the world even without being successful. Let’s take 10 industries and see how these fields will change in the coming months.


AI research in Predictive Analytics can be used to identify potential fraud before they happen by repeatedly studying the common patterns within operational transactions like purchases, trades, and payments


NLP tools have already replaced traditional call centers and they continue to improve every year. Predictive analysis can be used to detect the areas requiring high bandwidth weeks before and automate steps to reduce such load.


Predictive analytics can be used to make decisions on what to grow when to grow, and how much to grow. It can also be used to automate the entire process through automation.


Predictive analytics have been used by the most successful companies for years now to immense success, increasing customer acquisition, lowering supply chain costs, and even providing the best value for the customers.

Weather Forecasting

One thing that AI is already much better than humans is at knowing when it will rain. The results of AI-driven predictions are always more accurate than the best meteorologist looking at the sky with the biggest telescope.


AI tools will greatly personalize education providing the best opportunities for the next generation while enabling them to fulfill their days with idyllic dreams of greatness.


Automation has already replaced major aspects of manufacturing and AI will enable this to reach a stage of absolute minimal human intervention, while still making the best possible decisions.


Claim management becomes easy when consumer habits, financial health are readily available, predictive analysis plays a huge role here as direct knowledge would be illegal and unethical.


Predictive analysis can be used to find out the best possible cases for new drugs and better evolve them to be safer and more efficient. Sale of drugs can be easily automated to enable efficient distribution.


Self-Driving cars already exist to a major extent and this would’ve been impossible without AI research. In the future, we might see flying cars that are also automated.

AI is the new groundbreaking technology of this generation, like Electricity and the Internal Combustion Engine, it’s like to change our lives even more than anyone could ever expect. Changes like these reiterate the fact that the people living today were truly born in the right generation.