Aircel launches ‘Joy of Little Extra’ campaign


Feb 2, 2013: Aircel in an attempt to get closer to customers and to continue the effort in building commitment towards them launched its new campaign ‘Job of Little Extra’. The theme tries to capture the experience of joy when somebody gets a little extra without expecting the same. The campaign which has been conceived by McCann Worldgroup India has started going on air from February 1st onwards. This campaign will be shown across all electronic channels and as well as the digital space.

Through this ‘Joy of Little Extra’ campaign, Aircel which is the fifth largest operator in GSM space will launch products like Extra SMS, Extra Talktime, Extra Data etc. All these products or services will offer that extra value to customers and Aircel plans to communicate this through a series of commercials.

Watch the new TVC of  ‘Joy of Little Extra’

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