Analytics provides important insights on the Pandemic Data-Deep Knowledge Group


The only silver lining of this world-wide pandemic is that, it has provided huge amounts of data that can be used by our modern technologies to provide us with essential insights. COVID-19 pandemic is a real time challenge to our healthcare providers, governments and our economies. To improve and to help people and our governments make informed decisions, more sophisticated and advanced analytical frameworks are the need for the hour.

Many organizations like World Health Organization (WHO), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Worldometers, Johns Hopkins University operates on these bigdata and provide real-time statistics.

To use this big data in a more efficient way, Deep Knowledge Group has used advanced analytics framework to develop rankings system which can aid and assist businesses and governments in various countries to take effective decisions. The group is conducting country- specific and topic-specific analytics and forecasting to maximize the beneficial outcomes for humanity.

Deep knowledge Group utilizes 72 metrices to provide ranking framework and uses different methodologies to rank the countries. The Top 10 countries are Israel, Singapore, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, Hungary, Austria, Germany & South Korea.

The safety ranking framework analyses 24 parameters grouped under 4 quadrants:

  1. Quarantine Efficiency
  2. Government Management Efficiency
  3. Monitoring and Detection
  4. Emergency Treatment Readiness

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