Annual e-Marketing Outlook 2015: Market Research Report


The new Octane Research’s Annual Reports on Online Marketing is out and it makes forecasts for the marketers in the next 12 months. Lets have a look at the highlights of this report below.

The report claims that customer acquisition is the key marketing goal for all marketers. There will be an increase in customer retention that witnessed 80 percent increase since the year 2011. The brand awareness that had a steady growth between 2011 and 2014 has dropped by 32 percent this year. The effect of integrated campaigns has risen by 84 percent. Among these, Travel Marketers managed to get 54 percent and BFSI Marketers leveraged 69 percent from such campaigns.

Around 72 percent of the Indian marketers consider websites as the most important e-marketing activities. But, for retail and e-commerce and travel sector marketers Email Marketing is the major one. Content marketing is also grabbing its place among Indian marketers with 61 percent of them believing in blogs and newsletters as the efficient content marketing tools. Some sectors also believe that social media is a robust tool for content marketing.

Email marketing has posed the biggest challenge to the marketers in 2014 and it is the issue of reaching out to target audiences, but it was accepted only by 51 percent of them. The other challenge that was considered by 60 percent of the marketers is inadequate segmentation. Also, frequency or volumes of sending is also a major factor impacting the inbox deliverability in 2015. Since the last 5 years, sender reputation is one of the growing concerns for marketers.

For the large companies with over 5000 crore turnover, behavioral targeting is effective and several retail marketers think this has resulted in major changes to their campaigns with an increase of 24 percent. Also, 33 percent of the marketers believe that over 50 percent of the emails are viewed on mobile devices resulting in 25 percent growth of YoY.