Ants digital and Youva join hands to honor teachers


September 5, 2021, when the country celebrates teachers’ day, all of us need to remember how grateful we need to be to our Ma’ams and Sirs. On this teacher’s day, Ants Digital and Youva create just the ad to remind us of the same. 

Ants Digital, a digital marketing agency based in Haryana, produces and directs a film for Youva, a domestic stationery brand, to enlighten us on the importance and value of our teachers.

Teachers have had a tough time during this COVID pandemic. It could be said that their entire world had turned upside down. From getting training to be able to teach children in the liveliest and engaging way to teaching online, things went from one extreme to the other. 

Teachers had excelled with great discipline to come up with an exciting way to teach, creative methods to capture students’ attention, correcting answer sheets in the most practical yet realistic way, and being there for students who were having a hard time.

All this was possible due to how teachers could notice and observe the rights and wrongs in what they do and in their students. But COVID-19 brought in a completely different hit.

Teachers were expected to do all of what they were doing online with most of their students’ video cameras off. Teachers had to adjust to new and uneasy things so very quickly. They had to adopt and adapt to new teaching methods, one that wasn’t taught in their training. 

Teachers were expected to become technophiles all while managing things at school and home. Just like students, teachers stressed their eyes, drained their energy by the end of the day, and still had to be ready for the next day. 

Teachers found it hard to teach without eye contact, the one thing that assured them if they were going on the right track. They were expected, out of their own will, to make their classes interactive and that every student got the topics rightly registered in their minds.

Teachers were able to acknowledge how difficult the situation had turned for their students and because of this very same reason teachers worked extra hard to make their students’ life a little easier.

Now the important question is, who acknowledged our teachers’ efforts? This is where Ants Digital and Youva come into play. Not only did they acknowledge their efforts but they reminded all of us, parents, students, and everyone out there, how we owe a big Thank you to them and how we should forever be grateful to our passionate teachers.

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