Auto Industry Sales Performance of October 2021


 Monthly Performance: October 2021


The total production of Passenger Vehicles*, Three Wheelers, Two Wheelers and Quadricycles in the month of October 2021 was 22,14,745 units.

Domestic Sales:

  • Passenger Vehicles* sales was 2,26,353 units in October 2021.
  • Three-wheeler sales was 31,774 units in October 2021.
  • Two-wheeler sales was 15,41,621 units in October 2021.

 Performance : April – October 2021


Total production of Passenger Vehicles**, Three Wheelers, Two Wheelers and Quadricycles in April-October 2021 was 1,29,51,830 units.

Domestic Sales:

  • Passenger Vehicles** sales was 16,14,067 units in April-October 2021
  • Three-wheeler sales was 127,195 units in April-October 2021
  • Two-wheeler sales was 80,59,237 units in April-October 2021

* BMW, Mercedes, Tata Motors & Volvo Auto data is not available

** BMW, Mercedes & Volvo Auto data is not available, Tata Motors data is only available for Apr-Sept

Commenting on the October 2021 sales data, Mr Rajesh Menon, Director General, SIAM said “The Passenger Vehicles sales in October 2021 were down by (-) 27.15% and Two-Wheelers were down by (-) 24.94% compared to October 2020. Though the numbers of Three-Wheelers in October 2021 sold were more than the previous year, it is still less than half of what was sold in October 2019.

Manufacturers were banking on the festive season to recover from the severe drop in sales they have faced in the early part of financial year 2021-22. However, shortage of semiconductors and steep hike in raw material cost have been a major spoilsport for the Industry.”

 Domestic Sales: Monthly

CategoryDomestic Sales (in Numbers)
Passenger Vehicles (PVs)* 
Passenger Cars1,66,5681,82,6921,03,829
Utility Vehicles (UVs)94,6371,14,3901,12,112
Total Passenger Vehicles (PVs)2,71,7373,10,6942,26,353
Three Wheelers 
Passenger Carrier56,06716,62322,692
Goods Carrier10,91810,0619,082
Total Three Wheelers66,98526,68431,774
Two Wheelers 
Scooter / Scooterettee5,80,1205,90,5074,67,161
Motorcycle / Step-Throughs11,16,88613,82,74910,17,874
Electric Two Wheelers02901,230
Total Two Wheelers17,57,18020,53,81415,41,621
Grand Total of All Categories20,95,98923,91,19217,99,750

* BMW, Mercedes, Tata Motors & Volvo Auto data is not available.

 Cumulative Sales: April-October 2021

CategoryDomestic Sales (in Numbers)
Passenger Vehicles (PVs)** 
Passenger Cars9,81,7826,89,0597,84,959
Utility Vehicles (UVs)5,41,4804,52,2217,65,803
Total Passenger Vehicles (PVs)16,05,04111,90,66016,14,067
Three Wheelers 
Passenger Carrier3,29,45650,08785,915
Goods Carrier68,22536,05241,280
Total Three Wheelers3,97,68186,1391,27,195
Two Wheelers 
Scooter/ Scooterettee36,97,47822,76,85623,95,104
Electric Two Wheelers9936,860
Total Two Wheelers1,14,52,81880,38,88880,59,237
Grand Total of All Categories1,34,56,44393,15,66098,00,507