Autobot Academy founded for green learning


The future of mobility has reached a fork in the road. Electric Vehicles (EVs) are constantly considered as a part of the solution. Whenever oil prices rise or climate change is discussed.

 Several new Indian companies entering various segments of the EV value chain, significant cash invested in the space, and large-scale execution efforts.

The EV tech learning company founded the Autobot academy. As electric vehicle technology has progressed, there has been a tremendous increase in demand for green learning facilities in India.

 To meet the demand, the academy was founded, and it has since grown to become India’s premier, innovative, and specialised EdTech brand for the study and development of futuristic technology.

The Indian government has been pushing for widespread EV adoption, with a goal of 30 per cent of all vehicle sales going to electric vehicles.

Even though the numbers are significantly lower than the prior targets of 100% EV sales by 2030, millions of people would need to be trained in EV technology to meet the industry’s workforce demands.

Autobot Academy has been spearheading the cause of training the workforce to cater to the domestic EV manufacturing sector as India’s leading provider of EV learning. It is the only platform in India that allows for a variety of learning models.

The Academy boasts more than 50 industry partners and the world’s largest pool of EV professionals.

Autobot Academy, the first brand in India to introduce EV-specific learning, has now delivered over 6000 hours of Green Learning and provided successful employment possibilities to over 500 people, with another 2500+ active learners.

Engineers working in the EV sector can choose from a variety of learning approaches. Autobot Academy (AA), Autobot Learning Studio (ALS), Autobot Talent Pool (ATP), and Autobot Hands-on Hubs are the four of them (AHoH).

Autobot Academy meets the skilling, upskilling, and reskilling needs of the workforce now employed in or planning to enter the automotive/EV industry in the coming years. The Autobot Academy assists people in career planning and provides job-related solutions and also mentorship through the integrated online, offline, and hybrid learning choices.

Electric vehicles are not only better for the environment, but they are also more efficient than petroleum vehicles.

In addition, rising gasoline and other fuel prices have encouraged many customers to consider switching to electric vehicles. Evs are not only cost-effective, but they also offer tax benefits in India.

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