Axis Mutual Fund is launched Axis Equity etfs fof, open-ended fund of fund scheme predominantly investing units of domestic equity etfs.
The minimum application amount is set at Rs 5,000, the investors can invest in multiples of Re 1. New funds track the Nifty 500 TRI benchmark and invest in domestic equity etfs basis the top-down of fund manager’s investment view.
The new fund will be managed by Fund Manager, NFO will be open for subscription on February 4, 2022, and close on February 18, 2022.
Therefore different sectors, market segments perform differently at different times, investment scheme’s approach is specially designed to allocate dynamically across the market cap passive strategies.
MD and CEO, Axis AMC say massive investing’s efficient low-cost strategies track a specific index possible while relying on the broader market wisdom, have been some of the reasons for its importance increased amongst the investors.
The launch of the Axis Equity etfs fof, integrating market cap management and sectoral/thematic management, thereby enabling active management of passive strategies.
“The claims of the company, since different sectors, market segments perform differently at different times.
Axis Equity etfs fof’s investment approach is specifically designed to allocate dynamically across the market cap and sectoral/thematic passive strategies. It allows investors the benefit of risk diversification in allocating across multiple equity etfs.
Etfs are the most popular vehicles of investing in passive strategies as they replicate the portfolio of the underlying index while trading in bite-sized units on an exchange at market-determined prices.
Investors find that difficult to choose the right ETF; which will help gain potential alpha while maintaining the necessary diversification.
Fund Manager, NFO open date: 4th February 2022, NFO close date is18th February 2022, Minimum Application Amount: Rs 5,000, Exit Load.
1 percent for 15 days, Nil thereafter Furthermore, the company said that the scheme will endeavor to invest and maintain domestic ETF exposure greater than 95 percent of net assets at all times.
Exposure to all equity etfs in the market that the new scheme will remove the risk of security selection while aiming for minimal tracking error.
A structure that the mutual fund is available the company says, investors will be able to look to invest through various systematic options like sips, steps, and lump sum investments.