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Bharatmatrimony launches “equal for both” campaign, encourages women to take a stand for equality

Mumbai, March 8, 2022: When it comes to matchmaking, for ages women have been asked multiple questions before marriage, some equal, some not. To address that, on Women’s Day, BharatMatrimony has launched “Equal For Both”, a campaign that pushes for equality in the relationship by encouraging women to take a stand for equality.

BharatMatrimony believes that a happy marriage is between equals, so the questions should also be equal.

Talking about the campaign, Arjun Bhatia, Chief Marketing Officer,, says, “As a progressive platform that seeks to empower women, BharatMatrimony has always tried to understand the concerns of women of marriageable age and attempt to resolve them. So, this women’s day, we wanted to voice the dilemma women face with these pre-marriage questions. We hope to nudge women and encourage them to take a stand for equality in the relationship and also inspire both men and women to ask the questions that matter to make a happy marriage.”

Conceptualised by Wondrlab India, the campaign features women asking the audience the very same awkward questions posed to them before marriage. In effect, they’re posing them to the society at large.

Link to Equal for Both video:

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