Business Intelligence and its importance


Data is considered as the major component in BI (Business Intelligence) and acquiring data from a different source is the first major step. But companies don’t move beyond that. Business data needs progressing pass collecting data to run Business Intelligence and this data can be used widely and effectively by the companies for better results rather than compiling it for later use. There are five ways to run Business Intelligence successfully.

Utilize key performance indicators (KPIs)

This is a measurable value that shows the distance between you and your goal. Tracking KPIs prove the entire company is necessary to run a BI model

BAARC (Business Application Research Centre) report of 2019 says that 36% of the entire organizations use KPIs and the remaining 79% took time to define a standard set of KPIs. These findings will help to improve further steps.

Ask employees what prevents them from using data, then work to help.

Data from the 2020 micro strategy tells that 60% of employees find difficulties in collecting information they needed, in which 3% could retrieve it in seconds.

Its difficult to adopt a company-wide business intelligence model as a large number of employees are not aware of where or how to find the information, which is needed for them to do their job well.

Determine how to make them easier to understand

Of the collected information consists of thousands of spreadsheet cells that are filled with figures, it would complicate matters. But data visualization could help. Researchers show that 77% of companies are using data visualization to improve decision making

Take a top-down approach to business intelligence.

  • In 2019 a delicate study polled nearly 1050 executives from large companies about how they use data. The CEO is the leading data champion and 77% of companies are likely to exceed their business goals significantly.

Give customers clarity about data usage.

  • Customer transparency is also an important thing. In 2018 a stud from KPMG tells that three-quarters of people polled would provide businesses with personal information. It can be used to improve products, prices, or practices.

Taking all the advantages of BI means enabling changes that shape how you investigate compiled data and positively affect business’s handling of the crucial information