Changing Lifestyle Trends for Marketers


New and improved technological advances influence communication at all levels.  This in turn has a cascading effect on our private and public spaces.  People adapt their lifestyles to the changing technological scenario and it is important for businesses to strategize their growth giving due consideration to these trends, one of the common trends being all work and no play. It is no surprise that the lack of carefree and unstructured play hinders imagination in young minds.  This is turns affects innovation and creativity which are crucial to staying ahead of the competition.   Coupled with this are the trends of ever increasing stressors we face and our ways of counteracting them in our ultimate goal of attaining happiness and health. Another rising trend is the mobile fingerprint catapulted by the smartphone era.  Peer-to-peer marketing space is yet to reach its potential.  Add to that, growing trends of the demand for sensory stimuli-oriented products, ever-evolving retail sector, and predictive consumer patterns.

Understand these trends and more to stay afloat in the business world at The Top Ten Trends for Marketers, According to JWT