Cloud Based Data Management and Analytics for Employee Wellness and Business Survival


Digital workplace is the new normal now and for businesses a total transformation is a must. Innovative techniques have been developed to cope with the difficulties that came along with the COVID-19 pandemic. Employees of any business institution couldn’t dream of a remote workplace until this time. A recent analysis published by Brookings Institution says that half of the American workers work from home, more than that worked during 2017-2018 (that too occasionally). The business-like top employee complaints and concerns about productivity remain but the employees seem to respond with a will.

An engaged remote workforce: 2 ways digital tool helps

React, respect, and recover this, these steps become meaningful in the current situation for any establishment. Moreover, the relationship between workers and managers and the relationship between working teams are the two important ways that digital tools and platform support.

Creating a dynamic feedback tool between managers and employees

Managers to employee communication

Managers are the key to a marketing environment, and they are supposed to have a clear expectation about productivity goals. They are supposed to have busy rapid skills for clear communication of the same. Pre-existing goals or KPIs re important as well.

Covid-19 has created a vacuum for running the expectations. The institutions have to run through another set of new hindrances i.e. anxiety, stress, and uncertainty. 

Employee to Manager communication

Employer sentiments are as equal as that manager crisis management. The management needs to consider performance history and employees need to polish their working skills its keep their heads above water.

  • Fostering connections within and between teams.

Team managers need to nurture organic virtual relationships.

Building relationships with ONA

Organizational network analysis (ONA) is one of the many ways to identify the flow of information from an employee to another

How are our customers responding to the crisis?

Both the customers and delivery workers face challenges to minimize the impact of exposure. There is a chance of spreading the disease while delivering the item if the customer or the worker is the carrier of the disease.