Consumer confidence has surged by robust 2.9% points in August 2021 – IPSOS


The monthly PCSI, which is driven by the gathering of the four weighted sub-indices, is showing recovery and improvement over the previous month.

The PCSI Economic Expectations Sub Index is up by a minuscule 0.4 percentage points, the PCSI Current Personal Financial Conditions Sub-Index has surged by 3.9 percentage points, the PCSI Investment Climate Sub-Index is up by 3.7 percentage points and the PCSI Employment Confidence Sub-Index has increased up by the 4.6 percentage points.

According to Amit Adarkar – CEO of Ipsos India, “We watch most of the happy tidings in August because consumer confidence is on a rebound. With cities cautiously reopening, confidence around jobs is major turns, which successively shows a rise within the confidence round the daily expenditure of households and disposable incomes for large purchases and savings.

“The economy has an absence of confidence, but still broadening little. The COVID-19 pandemic has been long drawn and unsparing in its impact. Despite the rebound in August, the general sentiment remains below what we witnessed before the pandemic hit in March 2020 or before the second covid wave started around February 2021. Therefore, the economy will take time to induce back on-grid”. Adarkar said.

 The above findings are of an Ipsos online poll done on July 23, 2021, to transfiguration,2021. For this research, a sample of 500 adults from Ipsos’ India online panel old group 16 to 64 were interviewed online. Since, this could be an online poll in India, representative of the online community within the country, it is not reflective of the general population; however, the online sample is useful in their title as they are more educated and generates more income than the other people and named as “Upper Deck Consumer Citizens”.

The accuracy of the Ipsos online polls is measured through a Bayesian Credibility Interval. During this, the poll shows an interval of plus or minus 5.0 percentage points for all adults. For more information on the Bayesian Credibility Interval please visit the Ipsos site

The Ipsos India Primary Consumer Sentiment Index (PCSI), since 2010, also be a monthly national survey of consumer attitudes on this and future state of local economies, savings, confidence, and finance situations to make large investments. The Index of Ipsos comprises of sub-indices which are Job Index, Current Conditions Index, Expectations Index, Investment Index.

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