Consumer durable makers gear up for the festive season


Business is anticipated to improve throughout the next holiday season compared to the prior two.


After failing to increase sales of high-end home appliances for the past two years, manufacturers of consumer durables are counting on a better holiday season.

According to Kamal Nandi, Godrej Appliances’ executive vice president and business head, the approaching festive season is anticipated to be more prosperous for the company’s bottom line than the previous two. Employers will be giving out incentives, which can encourage consumers to purchase more household products. The broader inflationary environment, however, may cause middle-class people to put off major purchases, according to Nandi.

Given that more businesses will be paying bonuses or raises than last Diwali, this one will be better. All of these will result in happier feelings this holiday season. Therefore, we think the holiday season should be enjoyable. Purchases may be put off for the time being, but I believe the second half should perform better, he said.

Although on a low foundation, the Company is anticipated to increase marketing expenditures by about 40% from a year ago. Sales increased in the days before August 15th, according to Nandi. Since then, this desire has lessened.

The local division of Korean white goods manufacturer LG Electronics announced that its factories would operate at full capacity to meet holiday demand. “So far, we have seen strong demand and have surpassed pre-covid. The market is strong for larger capacity appliances “said LG India’s vice-president for home appliances, Deepak Bansal.

Additionally, businesses are increasing their marketing costs in anticipation of a rise in demand. Before the holiday season, we will prepare a comprehensive campaign. Our main goal will be to provide customers with a thrilling experience. Spending above pre-covid levels is what we intend to do “said said.

Parts of northern India observed a rise in demand for Usha International’s small home appliances beginning in early August.

Manufacturers and households are challenged by the very high inflationary headwinds that they have been dealing with. “Inflation has affected the market, but we are seeing a gradual recovery in demand across key categories and markets,” said Neeraj Bhal, managing director and chief executive officer, India and SAARC, BSH Home Appliances.

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