Contribute Articles

Dear Readers,

Are you passionate in marketing? Are you interested in writing about different aspects of marketing? Would you like to make your views heard to a wider audience? If yes, we give you a golden opportunity to showcase your passion by contributing articles to our blog, Passionate in Marketing, a comprehensive blog for Academicians, Students and Professionals. Share your thoughts and views on latest marketing trends and developments by contributing articles and get yourself heard.

Guidelines and procedures:

  1.   The articles should be written under any one of the following categories.
    •  Branding and Advertising
    • Sales and Distribution
    • Social Media Marketing
    • Consumer Behavior and CRM
    • Market Research
    • Marketing Ethics
    • Products Review
    • Marketing Process Outsourcing
    • Case Studies
    • Students Corner
  2.  The articles should be not less than 400 words and not longer than 600 words. The articles should be typed in single space with left and right margin of 1.5 in Font- Times New Roman, Font Size-12
  3.  Only unique articles which are original and not published in any of the sites including Passionate in Marketing will be accepted.
  4.  All the articles undergo a rigorous review process and plagiarism in the articles will not be entertained. Articles in which plagiarism is found will not be accepted for publication.
  5.  If citations are used, author need to include the source of citation.
  6.  The accepted articles will be published with the credentials of the author and a link to the author’s site or blog will be provided, if any.
  7.  The author while submitting the article should give a declaration that the article is an original piece of work and that it has not been submitted anywhere and is not under review. The author should not submit this article to any other site once it is published in
  8.  The articles should have only one author except for case studies in which multiple authors maximum to 2 are allowed.



Please send in your articles to [email protected]

The author will be intimated about the acceptance of the article via e-mail after it is accepted by
the editorial board.

Disclaimer: will have the full rights on the article and any reposting
of the articles on other websites will not be permitted.