Dalmia Bharat launches ‘Homemaker’ – An inspiring digital campaign celebrating International Women’s Day


Mumbai, March 3, 2023Dalmia Bharat Limited, leading Indian cement company, launched a thought-provoking digital campaign called ‘Homemaker’commemorating International Women’s Day which is on 8th March. The Indian construction and real estate sector employ around 57 million workers, out of which only 12% or 7 million are women. No more than 1.4% are engaged in technical and managerial roles as architects, civil engineers, supervisor etc and less than 2% in leadership positions. Emphasizing the disparity and gender-ratio gap in this sector, Dalmia Bharat is pioneering the initiative to encourage women across India to join the construction industry in crucial roles. 

The online campaign centres around a play on the word ‘Homemaker’ and the difference between its literal and conventional meaning. Normally the word ‘Homemaker’ is associated with stay-at-home mothers or housewives. However, the campaign focuses on interpreting the word literally to mean someone who builds homes. Through this campaign, Dalmia Bharat aims to highlight the gender ratio skew in the business and wants to lead the change in perception, showcasing women as equally skilled members of this fraternity.

The digital campaign will be activated through a series of teasers, testimonials, and a short film. Tagged as Because I’m that woman who chooses to be a #homemaker, the short film showcases how women in the construction industry are building their own destiny while encountering constant stereotypes. Initially it will seem that a woman is being portrayed as a homemaker, but there will be a twist towards the end showing her as the actual engineer, contractor, architect of homes – the actual ‘homemaker’.  Targeted at Tier I and Tier II audience, the Women’s Day campaign will aim to reach out to a larger talent pool, potential employees, and educational institutes. The campaign will run across six key digital platforms – LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and WhatsApp till March 2023.

Commenting on the marketing campaign, DBL spokesperson said, “Traditionally, the construction industry is a male dominated field and only 12% women are part of this workforce in India. It remains an uncommon choice for women professionally due to the typecast and lack of opportunities. On Women’s Day we want to amplify our intent for the need to bring about a paradigm shift in this industry. We hope the campaign can sensitize and encourage women to explore and consider opportunities in our industry and company.”