Generally, marketers know and concentrate only on acquiring new customers for their products. They do not or perhaps do not take the effort to learn and understand the other types of customers which can bring a chunk of business to them…marketers, you may concentrate on new customer acquisition but also take note of other two types of customers other than new customers to boost your business.
The second type of customers which the marketers should know are Lost customers. These are the type of customers that have been using your products and indeed happy consumers but are not using your products for a while. They reason cannot be quality of the product or the service that made them to move away from your product but something else like either they don’t want them or need them or must have gone somewhere else.
Marketers……..the lost customers pose a great opportunity for you to boost your sales. They are your clients who have used and familiar with your products. Design a lost customer campaign and a strategy to re-engage them to bring in that chunk of business for you. Reaching them would not be a problem for you as you will have the database of your clients stored in your desktop…oh sorry, in your cloud solution which you can access from your iPad or tablet if I guess right.
The next type or the third type of customer is your current customers. Do you focus on this third type of customers?!!! Most of them ignore the current customers. It is actually a big mistake that many enterprises make. Guys, they are the best source for you to get new clients for your business. Knowing more about your current customers and their needs will lead you to develop new products and services which eventually leads to more customers and business opportunities to you.
Do some surveys, contact your clients, and build a bond with them to know what they need and their expectation from your services. The insight will help you to improve your product and you positioning in the market place.
So marketers, concentrate on these two types of customers to boost your business before you invest capital to acquire new customers.