Duroflex has opened a virtual store


Hereafter, the social distancing continues and the customers will remain indoors due to covid-19. Recently, sleep solution brand Duroflex has introduced a virtual store, whereas the customers could visualize store products virtually from their home itself. Their virtual experience centre can help their brand to stay connected with their customers, which will improve their sales.

Smita Muraka has stated that virtual experiences are expanding, which endow us with a different kind of shopping worldwide. Duroflex is always bombarded with technology. Their announcement of this technology is very beneficial for their customers, and they will have a feeling of shopping in the stores, even though it is online.  This new virtual store could aid people to shop safely in an exclusive manner. Their shopping experience is as real as the one provided by the Duroflex Experience Centre. Customers could also have a virtual tour of the Duroflex store now.

Duroflex is the first brand in sleep solutions, which had opened a virtual store. They are first in sleep categories to bring such technological innovation to improve their customer service. However, this launch has endowed them a virtual sleep solutions destination. Customers could also shop for their sleep essentials comfortably, and could keep in contact with their favorite brand.

Through this way, they could take care of their sleep-in proper time even during these unprecedented times. Good sleep is all we need at the end of the day. Customers could enjoy this new experience of their products from their living place itself. This could also improve their sleep space and will make their customers stress-free. They could now sleep peacefully.

All their product categories include mattresses, accessories, and work from home. They have some mattresses like Duropedic, Energise, Natural living, and Essential. Hence, customers could view them in a virtual store. To improve people’s sleep routine, they have also opened a bumber offer, which consists of sleep safe and a free mattress protector, and Durosafe. They will also provide us an anti-microbial protector for free with the shopping of any mattress. We could now shop from their brand website without any worries. Hurry up and Grab your offers.

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