FCB unveils ‘She Can She Will’


FCB India started a new program called “She Can She Will”.  It is a new platform for ladies to make conversation and discussion about the new project and how to achieve it.

It is a series of serious discussions and inspirational speeches and motivation classes from qualified and experienced persons for new coming entrepreneurs.

This new program was started by Swapna Chadda, vice president of marketing India, South East Asia, and South Asia Google, and Rashi Narang, founder of Heads up for Tails.

Both persons mentioned above are well experienced and have their position in the business. So they take the initiative to promote and inspire those who are interested in business.

Swapna is interested in supporting new women entrepreneur and their leadership. So she supported FCB’s new campaign “She Can She Will”. This FCB aim at reducing the problem in advertising. They wish to provide an adequate place for women in business to empower them by awakening their power and spirit. Google also help them to get access and equity.

Rashi Narang is a strong person and great business women. According to Rashi, from very ancient times onwards, ladies have had an important role in society. So she takes it as her responsibility to give all support to the upcoming women to work together.

Debarpita Chatterjee, CEO of FCB gave full support to the new program. It is time to infuse fresh energy and inspiration to stand the women on their own feet.

The FCB group India in their new strategy DE&I takes it as a challenge to promote women talented leaders to the future world. As women for women became a wave in society and guidance for the next generation of women leaders.

Nowadays women have engaged in all spheres of life. They are equal to men. Women have equal power and strength to compete with men. So it is necessary to awaken their hidden power and strength. We do not utilize their power. It is essential to empower women and put them forward to the mainstream and utilize their power for the progress of our nation. Now we have several facilities and modern technologies and communication media to empower them.

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