Gatorade®, PepsiCo India’s iconic hydration brand, brought its Turf Finder initiative to Gurugram with the unveil of its latest turf at the Mini Secretariat Parking with the support of the Gurugram Administration. The event was graced by Gurugram Deputy Commissioner Nishant Kumar
Yadav, who came to support the initiative and play cricket with the citizens of Gurugram. The initiative is dedicated to creating accessible spaces for sports enthusiasts in urban cities to inspire a passion for sports and nurture the drive to play amidst the vibrant and fast-paced life of India’s metropolitan cities.
The turf witnessed an enthusiastic response from the residents of Gurugram, who were thrilled to play cricket on the especially tailored space. Excitement filled the air as locals eagerly embraced the chance to play on the vibrant turf. Following the successful launch of Delhi's second turf in the bustling lanes of Chandni Chowk in April, the Gurugram turf exemplifies Gatorade®’s ongoing mission to promote active living and enhance recreational opportunities in urban settings.
Introduced in February this year with the debut of its first turf in Mumbai, the initiative has received
appreciation widely across cities. Utilizing Google Maps data, Gatorade® aims to tackle the shortage of recreational areas in Indian cities, setting a precedent for the future of urban playgrounds. The Turf Finder project aspires to motivate young people to incorporate physical activity into their daily routines, making fitness an integral part of their lifestyle.
Commenting on the occasion, Nishant Kumar Yadav, Deputy Commissioner, Gurugram said, “We are delighted to partner with a brand like Gatorade that is dedicated to promoting sports and physical activity among our youth. In today’s fast-paced world, embracing an active lifestyle is vital. Initiatives like these provide much-needed spaces for our young people to engage in and enjoy sports, helping to balance the demands of modern urban life.”
Speaking on the initiative, Ankit Agarwal, Associate Director, Energy Hydration, PepsiCo India, said, “Gatorade has consistently championed the importance of fitness and an active lifestyle as integral components of well-being. However, in today fast-paced and chaotic society, finding both time and a suitable space for physical activity poses a significant challenge. We firmly believe that this initiative will make sport accessible to a lot more people, thereby cultivating a healthier lifestyle. By providing convenient and inviting spaces for play, we hope to inspire communities to embrace the intrinsic value of
staying active amidst the demands of modern life.”
Adding further, Rajdeepak Das, CCO, Publicis Groupe – South Asia & Chairman, Leo Burnett – South Asia, said, “This is a true HumanKind idea where we are using technology to find solutions for modern day problems. Our cities are temporal in nature, they behave different by day and different by night. We have validated this spirit and used historic Google Maps data to find empty spaces at specific times which can be made into a turf. The most exciting part is that this campaign can be scaled across the country and not only promote an active lifestyle but also make a cultural impact in communities making sport an equalizer.”
Consumers can visit Gatorade®’s exclusive website to find out more details and clues on the upcoming Turf drops –