Gay men more likely to catch monkeypox? Here is what WHO says


According to the WHO, monkeypox is typically a self-limiting illness that lasts two to four weeks.

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the director-general of the World Health Organization (WHO), has encouraged impacted countries to spot all monkeypox cases and contacts to manage the outbreak. In his statement, he mentioned that reports of the disease are being reported mainly for men who have intercourse with men.

“Cases are reported mainly, but not exclusively among men who have intercourse with men. Some countries began to report cases of apparent community transmission, including some cases in women,” WHO Director-General Tedros said.

 Monkeypox, in step with the WHO, is usually a self-limiting condition that lasts two to four weeks. It is particularly dangerous in youngsters, pregnant women, and folks who are immunocompromised owing to other factors. Incubation lasts around  6 to 13 days on average, but it can last anywhere from five to 21 days.

Are men who make love with other men more likely to contract monkeypox?

Monkeypox is spread from person to person by close personal contact, in step with the WHO. Monkeypox isn’t only a risk for sexually-active people or males who make out with other men. Anyone who comes into close personal touch with an infectious person is in danger. Anyone experiencing symptoms that might indicate monkeypox should seek medical attention as soon as possible. People with ties to communities where cases are documented are included.

Males who have intercourse with men have been recognized in several of the instances reported from non-endemic countries. Sexual health clinics were utilized to identify these cases. The increased reports of monkeypox cases in communities of men who make love with men may be due to this demographic‘s positive health-seeking behavior. The rashes of monkeypox can seem like those of sexually transmitted illnesses like herpes and syphilis, which could explain why these cases are being reported to sexual health clinics. As we learn more, we may be able to detect more cases in the broader community.

 Need to prevent monkeypox

On June 8, the WHO director-general emphasized the requirement of preventing the disease from spreading further. He said, even though no deaths had been documented so far, the risk of monkeypox spreading to non-endemic nations was “real”.

 “Over 1,000 monkeypox cases have been reported from 29 countries where the disease isn’t endemic, with no deaths reported so far in these countries. @WHO urges affected countries to spot all cases and contacts to regulate the outbreak and forestall onward spread,” tweeted Tedros.

Typical symptoms include fever, headache, muscle ache, backache and fatigue, and swollen lymph nodes then it’s followed by skin rashes and or lesions.

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