Google is Developing Anti-Tracking Features for Android Users

Mountain View, Ca/USA December 29, 2016: Googleplex - Google Headquarters with Android figure

Google is going to develop the anti-tracking feature for Android users and it is soon after Apple starts to impose its App Tracking Transparency framework for the app developers. The anti-tracking feature from Google is less stringent than the Apple. According to a report, Google following Appleā€™s lead is considering building its anti-tracking feature could affect the right balance between the user privacy and interest of advertisers. Bloomberg is claiming that search engine is exploring the options to build an anti-tracking feature and that may allow users to limit the data collected. Apple developed the App Tracking privacy which encourages privacy. Googleā€™s anti-tracking feature seems similar to this and it prevents cross-app tracking on Android Phones. 

The development of anti-tracking may bring a drastic change for the app users and across the industry. It is something related to the privacy features and it would change the outlook of the Google platform. The report claims that Google will not go as hard as Apple. Google is going to implement the anti-tracking feature for the users and that doesnā€™t mean that it is going too hard. The company searching for input from the stakeholders to generate more ideas for the development of the anti-tracking feature. Google is still in the discussion stage and they are planning to come up with a ā€œhealthy, ad-supported app ecosystemā€. Now the Google is working for the web called Privacy Sandbox. Google is trying to develop a new privacy standard for the Privacy Sandbox. Project Mission of privacy Sandbox is to create a thriving web ecosystem that is completely respectful for the users and private by default.

            Google is considered the wealthiest digital company and it is well accepted by the public because of its user-friendly features. Google is coming up with a great idea of anti-tracking feature to enhance the better control of privacy for the users. Google is explaining that as a part of the magic of the web that it allows an opportunity for the content creators can publish their content without gatekeepers and at the same time webā€™s users can access the information without any cost. Because the content creators can gain the fund through online advertising. Advertising is very important for both publishers and advertisers.

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