Google redesigns its finance platform to track data on stocks and markets


The Google finance platform has been redesigned to easily find data about market trends, stocks, and relevant data for both desktop and mobile users for making better investment decisions.

The new version of the Google finance platform shall include the “watchlist” feature that will enable the users to find data, relevant details, and earnings details to compare market information. Besides, by using the Google calendar, earnings calls, and company events can also be tabled.

According to Google, understanding the context is the key to making an informed investment decision, and Google aims to make it easy for the users to find and compare information by organizing it helpfully.

Increasing the financial literacy of the people is one of the key priorities for the search giant, and to achieve this goal, the explanations, and descriptions of the key terms and statistics are provided by Google as the users browse through the stock details.

In case the users are verifying the market capitalization section, the application automatically defines the term along with the badge which provides information related to the company, which is if the company is large-cap, mid-cap, or small-cap company.

The application will also additionally include bold splashes of colors to differentiate between different stocks. Later this year, Google plans to extend the watchlist to include the features of the portfolio.

The portfolio feature allows the individuals to create and customize their portfolio along with easily tracking their gains or losses and reviewing the relevant news. The Google finance platform will be available in the United States in the coming weeks.

Google earlier added the finance tab which works the same way as the image or news tab does and gives the users much of the financial information which Google finance does including the news related to a company and the financials of the company.

The major objective behind the redesigning is making it easier for the users to find the data related to market trends, stocks, and relevant news to find.

The new update of the google finance will be a positive change as the current version has updates relating to the search results and customizable features.