Google’s way of celebrating Olympics 2012! Doodles


As a lot of us googlers (hope this title gets added to the dictionary!) know Google has a very unique way of celebrating or paying tribute to an event or a person and any dot in the line of the history of the world! So when this got blended with the recently concluded London Olympics 2012, about 17 such doodles were created – some interactive, which some the usual static ones. Let’s take a look at these to refresh some of your memory!

The opening ceremony doodle featured five athletes representing different areas of the games. This one featured football, swimming, athletics (track and field) and fencing. This one was followed by a female archer all set to hit the bulls eye, after which featured a female swimming athlete ready on the diving board. I think these are good ways to ensure that your brand is keeping with the times as, the events featured in these doodles were some of the most important events for the day.

After a couple of doodles on fencing and the gymnastics rings – the doodle on women’s hockey featured on the Google search page. The best part about these doodles was that – on clicking them, you were directly navigated to the search page displaying top search entries and recent stories on the respective event and the Olympics.

The next three days featured Table Tennis and a couple of field events like Shot Put and Pole Vault! With the display of the synchronized swimming and the javelin events – it was time for some interesting and interactive doodles to feature. Now these were no doubt creative and interesting as each of them had a game embedded in them! So the first one was a doodle cum game on Athletics (with hurdles) , followed by some basketball shots, the slalom canoe and football. Im sure a lot of you had fun playing and this was a pretty much talked about piece of Google’s brilliance! The last two to feature was the rhythmic gymnastics and the Closing Ceremony doodle featuring a celebration theme with the 5 Olympic rings with athletes from different events!

Well we sure hope to expect some more interesting stuffs from the Google’s Vault!  Till then you can let us know you’re favourite among them.