Grapes Digital and Eicher spreads Christmas joy through a campaign


Christmas is a season that is filled with joy and cheers. People across the world spread joy and celebrate with their loved ones. This is the season where many companies try to connect with people with their new products and innovative campaigns. Eicher is one such company that has recently taken an initiative to support the underprivileged children of a Non-Government Organization.

Eicher is a manufacturing company which was started in late 1948 and it is completely owned by the Indian shareholders. This company has diversified into many other fields like international marketing, designing, and development. This is one of the companies which took many initiatives to support children. The mission of Eicher is to educate children in rural areas especially the girl child. This mission statement has been originated from their thought to provide education, which they believe is the only field that will bring change in India. To achieve their goal, Eicher focused on improving the quality of education in many rural areas across India. Their work started in 1996 with a project from which thousands of children benefited. Later, they expanded their reach and started covering many schools in various states.

Eicher, during Christmas as a part of their mission, came forward to put a smile on children’s faces who resides in NGOs. The company came up with a video that showcases kids. It starts with kids from NGOs who are sad and then Santa reaches NGO along with Eicher’s team and surprises the kids. The kids were taken out for a ride in a bus which is decorated in Christmas style and gives them a festival feel. The kids were then taken to a café where they enjoy their meals and in return, each kid was given a gift by Santa. The kids enjoyed every second that they had spent outside. Through this campaign, Eicher brought awareness about spreading joy to others. Grapes Digital, a communications agency, has launched this campaign. This campaign was launched to bring happiness among the kids who do not experience it very often. This campaign inspires many others to follow the same and spread joy to others.